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Where to buy your .50BMG rifle and ammunition

Although gaining world wide popularity, the 50BMG rifle is still a rare sight at most gun dealers. Over the years many anti-tank type rifles have been converted to 50BMG but these rifles are not inherently accurate and with increasing prices for what is becoming a quite rare class of historical rifle it would be sacrilege to convert a good condition WWII anti-tank rifle! 

However the good news is that there have recently been several new 50BMG rifles manufactured by Swiss, UK and European producers. In the UK a new model 50BMG rifle is now being manufactured by Accuracy International continues to make the AX50.

Check out these links to 50BMG rifle manufacturers, many more exist but these have been selected because of their availability to the Swiss shooter

Accuracy International AX50

Accuracy International  AXMC or ATMulti-Calibre

Victrix Tormentum .408 Multi-Calibre


Desert -Tech Multi-Calibre

Fortmier Multi-Calibre